We could stock more electric treatment couches if we wanted to. Many retailers have hundreds of models to choose from but in our opinion, that is unnecessary and actually causes problems for you the therapist!
After surveying our customers over many years, the average time a therapist spends researching the purchase of their electric treatment couch is 3 weeks. Scrolling through different models that look so alike that you have to put on your Sherlock hat to find out what all the differences are can cause real headaches
We want to make that easier for you. We have carefully and thoughtfully selected a range of electric and hydraulic treatment couches and spa tables. We have made sure there is a treatment couch to suit everyone in our range.
Electric couches, unlike portable couches which are a little bit more complicated due to the mobility requirements, are actually quite simple. Why complicate matters for you when all your are looking for is RELIABILITY, STRENGTH, COMFORT, FUNCTIONALITY and FEATURES at a REASONABLE PRICE. We have covered everything so all you need to do is choose the FEATURES and PRICE RANGE suitable for your individual situation.
Our reputation and word of mouth referral is paramount to our continued success. There are two things youwon't find in our electric treatment couch department:
We have curated only the best brands on the market today. To see each brands' treatment couches in a more focused view, choose from our catalogue:
We get contacted regularly by brands all over the world asking us to stock their treatment couches. If we were in business just for the money, then we would stack them high and sell them cheap like so many others do! Stock as many different brands and models as possible and like shooting fish in a barrel, we are bound to get a lot more sales this way. But as I mentioned above, we are run by qualified therapists and although every business needs to make money, we do care about you the therapist and as such have carefully and thoughtfully selected a range of electric treatment couches we believe offers you the best choice and value for money.