Dror Steiner

Dror's journey in massage therapy has been full of unexpected turns! Starting off with a full-blown medical background and ethos, studying pre-medicine and osteopathy for six years. During that time he taught students and treated clients purely from a scientific standpoint and this served him well for many years before he came to realise through treating thousands of patients the many other factors at play such as the power of touch and role of therapeutic relationships with clients. 

Maintaining his love of science, Dror took a scientific approach and began to study a range of topics from how different speeds of massage strokes affect clients to how beliefs and other psychological factors shape health and disease.


Dror Steiner


Dror believes this shift in ethos from his earlier days in medicine has made him significantly happier and strives to use these skills to make him a better therapist and teacher. He now runs a range of courses at the fantastic Bodyology School of Massage and every day he continues to challenge the beliefs we have around massage therapy. 

You can also follow Dror and the Bodyology School of Massage on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter