How To Grow Your Business

April 29, 2015 3 min read


We recently ran a survey of all our email subscribers to find out what you are looking for when it comes to your massage or therapy practice. 


The overwhelming answer was that people wanted help growing their practices into successful, thriving businesses (as well as being kept up to date on special offers and industry news).


So today, we've got a few tips that Massage Warehouse customers have shared with us, that will help you grow your business like they helped them grow theirs:



1. Word of Mouth Is Still King.


In these days of social media and Google advertising, it's easy to forget that some of your best advertising is right under your nose - your existing clients. The people who come to you loyally for treatment should be your first port of call for bringing in new clients. 


Asking for referrals is one of the most powerful techniques you can use to grow your business. Create a referral program that will incentivise your existing clients to tell their friends about you - maybe you can offer them 10% off their next treatment for every referral they send you, or offer a free treatment in exchange for 5 referrals. 


This type of 'give and take' ensures that you maintain the goodwill you've built up with your current clients, while effectively increasing your client base.




2. Get Comfortable With Sales.


At the heart of every business is the sales process. Many people in therapy practices are really uncomfortable with this - they feel like they are dirtying the good they can do for people by promoting their business, actively recruiting paying customers, or trying to up-sell clients on treatments or products.


But think of it this way: you built your practice to help people. You want to help the people who are suffering from chronic pain, injuries or illness - but if you never promote yourself or invite those people into your practice, they won't get the help they need.


Sure, sales feel sleazy if you're trying to push something they don't need. But if your service would truly help them, it's your responsibility to put it in front of them. 




3. Think Outside The Box.


It's tempting to follow a 'build it and they will come' mentality in your business. But unfortunately, finding success that way is the exception, not the rule.


Advertising your business is vital to growing it, but what if you don't have money for pricey magazine placements or Google ads? Well, think about places that your potential clients spend time.


Places like...


Health food stores
Beauty salons 
Yoga studios
Community centres
Sports clubs
Daycare centres
The possibilities are endless. Strike up conversations with the managers of these places and see if you can leave a stack of cards or flyers at their reception desk. Or offer them a deal: any customers they refer to you get 10% off their first treatment. Or they get a 10% commission of every new client they send to you. Offer a package deal to their staff - whatever gets you in the door.


Small businesses often build momentum in tandem with other small businesses, and there's nothing wrong with utilising the customer base of other local establishments. Plus, you never know where these relationships can take you - a small deal now might blossom into something huge down the line, once trust and a good working relationship has been built. 


Have you got some hot tips on growing your business? We'd love to hear them over on our Facebook page:


Have a great week, and if you give any of these tips a try, drop us a line!


The Massage Warehouse team.

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