As a Massage Therapist How Do you Find The Best Lightweight Portable Massage Table For Your Massage Therapy Business?

As a Massage Therapist How Do you Find The Best Lightweight Portable Massage Table For Your Massage Therapy Business?

There are many lightweight portable massage tables available on the market today so how do you choose the best for your massage therapy business?

When selecting your portable massage table there is no doubt there are a wide range of options to sift through. Lightweight tables are available in both wood and aluminium, and the weight of these massage tables ranges from 9 kilograms up to around 15 kilograms. Obviously, if you’re going for lightweight, you want to lean towards the lower end of that scale whilst ensuring that your new massage table has all the features your massage therapy business requires. 

Having a lightweight portable massage table is vital for many massage therapists, particularly if you are regularly delivering mobile massage treatments.

At Massage Warehouse, we’re aware that you can get some very lightweight portable massage tables online or secondhand.What’s really important is that you choose a massage table that is going to be able to withstand the rigours of regular treatments. At the very light end of the spectrum, you run the risk of the table’s supports cracking or giving way altogether if a client puts a lot of pressure on a single point of the table during their massage treatment.
Not only this, but the materials used in many ultra-lightweight massage tables are often poor quality, which compromise the look, feel and performance of the table.

That’s why we invested significant time and resources into developing a selection of massage tables that are not only strong, sturdy and durable, but that are lightweight, portable and pleasant for the client to lie on. We stock two types of massage tables - entry level tables, perfect for students of massage therapy, and professional level tables.
In the entry level range, the lightweight tables include the wooden Porta-Lite Classic (12.6 kilos) and the Porta-Lite Oval (12.7 kilos), which is the most sturdy and robust of the entry level tables.
The aluminium Advantage is very light (10.5 kilos), as is the Advantage II with the lifting backrest (11.5 kilos).
In the professional range, the Earthworks Comfort Flat is a very strong table, though coming to the upper end of the lightweight category at 13.8 kilos for 28” width table. The Portalite Delta I is a slightly narrower table than most, making it suitable for therapists of smaller stature, and weighs in at just 10.5 kilos. There is even the lightest table in the world - the Porta-Lite Mini at only 8.9kg!

However the best lightweight portable massage table stocked here at Massage Warehouse, or anywhere on the market, is the Porta-Lite Delta II!

With an industry-standard width of 28”, the table weighs in at 11.5 kilos and is extremely strong, durable and versatile. If you are a taller therapist or treat larger clients, you have the option to select a 30” table — and it still only has a weight of 12.7 kilos!
So if you are on the hunt for a portable massage table that is very light and easy to carry around, Massage Warehouse has the table for you. Feel free to check out the Portalite Oval and PortaLite Delta II today, and give us a call on 01443 806 590 if you have any questions about any of these massage tables. 
For more information and other key factors you need to consider in choosing a table, (such as whether you need a lifting back rest or should be using a table trolley), head to our lightweight portable massage tables page.

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