FREE Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) session for Massage Therapists!

FREE Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) session for Massage Therapists!

Feeling anxious after going back to work? Not sure how you’re going to cope with all those bookings you’ve lined up? Worried about your massage clients not coming back?

Hosted by Lana Walker, in this session you’ll literally tap into your feelings to shift them out of your body (think “acupuncture for the emotions without the needles”). Lana is the founder of Body and Mind Holistics and a holistic massage therapist and EFT practitioner who’s helped lots of therapists over the last year let go of those feelings of anxiety.

Lana is the founder of Body and Mind Holistics and a holistic massage therapist and EFT practitioner
*Click on the image to check out Lana's work with

Body and Mind Holistics!*

If you’re feeling any nerves, anxiety or worry about how to cope (for example, butterflies in your stomach, tightness in your chest, heaviness on your shoulders, or other similar physical feelings), check out this FREE Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) session that was held in our Facebook group Massage Therapists - Get Through Coronavirus & Come out Stronger Together. You may have heard of EFT – it’s also called tapping.

EFT is a safe and really effective way of getting to the heart of emotional trauma and can help with;

  • Grief and loss
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Anxiety
  • Low self-esteem
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Self-limiting beliefs (and sometimes we’re not even aware we have them!)
  • Emotional decluttering

Acknowledging the issues we are carrying while tapping points of the body helps to unblock the energy and release some of the emotions that can be causing us both mental and sometimes physical pain and discomfort. You can check out Lana's generous free session below!

Did you enjoy this session? If you are looking for more support from colleagues in the field of Massage or Physical Therapy join us in our Facebook group to speak to over 2500 like minded people!

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