Memes for Massage Therapists!

girl watching social media in smart phone relaxing in a park

Memes are everywhere! 

Not only are they a bit of fun and a way to bring a smile on a stressful day, but they can also be used to drum up new clients, introduce a new offer or solve a common problem with a dash of humour! 

Below we share some of our favourite memes for massage therapists and show how you can use them to boost your massage therapy business!


Cat massaging another cat with the line, do you have issues with your tissues?


An easy one to start off with. Consider what aches and pains you see most in your massage therapy clinic and list out what symptoms could be creeping up on your clients which could hint it is time for a massage! Encourage them to see you before they hit more serious problems! 


Star Trek Meme with "you clearly need a massage"


Just like the previous meme use this example to list what ailments you can assist clients with! If you are working a niche appeal to this group with a shout out. For example, if you work with pregnancy massage, start your post with "calling all mums to be!" and go on to list what aches your treatments can relieve for expectant mothers. 


Foot Massage Meme


A funny post but also a useful one! Use it to address a frequent issue faced by massage therapists, being undercut in cost by inexperienced or unlicensed alternatives! Find a quote from a happy customer which demonstrates the personalised service you offer or a statistic relevant to the ailments your massage style remedies and persuade your clients to treat themselves to a real massage! 


Do not underestimate the power of massage meme


Sometimes we absorb information more through humour than a lecture! Use this meme and list some of the benefits of massage along with some statistics in the caption to show off your knowledge in a fun way! 


It was a sports injury meme


This is bound to get a chuckle! Great for all types of massage therapists but perhaps especially for sports massage therapists, clients might be mistakingly thinking you only offer your services to athletes! Share this meme and demonstrate some of the more day to day issues you can assist with such as chronic lower back pain from sitting at a desk!



What do you mean you have never had a massage meme


We see this meme used a lot but often there isn't a caption accompanying it. Use this cute face to investigate whether your current clients might have any friends or family they could recommend. Ask your clients, do you know anyone who has never had a massage but could really use one? What do you think holds them back? You might get some interesting answers and the chance to offer a solution to whatever is stopping them coming in for a massage. You could also use this as a chance to promote an introductory offer or a referral offer. 


Meme about massage gift cards


Don't underestimate the power of gift cards! Especially around Christmas and events like Mother's Day and the London Marathon. Use these events to highlight your gift card offerings and in the festive season appeal to stressed-out shoppers and promote gift cards as a thoughtful present for loved ones who might not treat themselves to massages regularly. Read our blog post to get further ideas for different levels of gift cards and how to promote them in the festive season.


That feeling when your massage is over meme


Another great meme for promoting gift cards or other offers! A great way to avoid last-minute cancellations or no shows is to ask clients to pre-pay for their appointments. You can incentivise clients with a 10% discount on a set of 5 treatments or offer an extra 30 minutes when booking 5 treatments. Whichever offer you decide to opt for, this meme can be a great way of introducing it with a little humour.   

 Cartoon of people in an office saying according to research we'll actually be more productive if we get a massage

Do you explore the option of offering massage to local businesses? Lots of businesses are looking for inexpensive perks to offer their employers as a way to beat their competition when hiring. Post this meme with a statistic such as; 

"Studies have shown that even a 15-minute massage can help lower your feelings of stress while improving your job performance by increasing alertness and concentration" 
and ask your clients if they would like a massage at work! Many of your clients might be able to provide you with contact details for their boss and a glowing testimony that might get your foot in the door! 

 Baby Orangutan with the phrase massage please!


A cute one to finish on. Mobile massage therapists can use this adorable little fella to promote the fact that you can bring a top quality massage treatment directly to your clients, wherever they are! Describe the ways you transform your clients' space to turn it into a relaxing haven and inspire clients to book that treatment they've been daydreaming about. 

Check out our full folder of memes for massage therapists which we will be updating regularly and let us know your favourite in the comments below or on our facebook post! 

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